Myths about weight loss/fitness


Myths about weight loss/fitness

When it comes to weight loss there are much to learn and unlearn at same time, know the true facts, and gain knowledge to achieve your dream goal of fitness, being healthy is not an easy task, as there are many myths regarding fitness one must understand it.

1. Weight loss is not all about eating less

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Eating less is not going to help you lose weight as it’s all about eating right at the right quantity and at the right time of the day. Whole meals give you much more nutrition, minerals and protein and fibers which keep you full and energized for the whole day.

2. Joining gym leads to weight loss

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You joined gym thinking that you will lose those extra fats, then there is thing that you should know, joining a gym won’t help you until unless you get a fitness trainer guidance while lifting those weight and repeating the exercise in right way for target the right muscles and parts of the body.

3. Only protein rich foods

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As I said before, eating less and eating only protein rich foods will not help you to lose weight, all you need to know is that eating the right kind of food at the right time, and right quantity.

High protein foods only may lead to other health issues as well as our body needs all kinds of minerals, vitamins, and nutrition. You should nourish your body, do not punish yourself for those extra pounds of fat that you gained.

4. Motivation is all you needed to lose weight

No motivation is not all need as it fades away in few couple of days or weeks. You might get inspired to lose weight by seeing some videos in YouTube, Instagram, or Face book posts of some of your favorite fitness influencers, role models, gym trainers, as its always on your own discipline patterns.

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Motivation makes you work on a single day for 3 to 4 hours at one shot, but it’s a discipline what matters. Rather than giving all your energies on one single day, being sore and tired for the next couple of days. just give your little time like 30minutes each day. Small steps lead to a big difference. discipline over motivation.

5. Pre work out post work supplements helps losing weight:

No, you don’t need any pre and post workout supplements, it’s a complete myth, it’s more like managing your daily supplements like you need to hit that protein level to gain muscles and lose weight at same time.


When you find less time to hit the right amount of nutrients due to busy life style and work culture its not easy to cook and watch out those essential micro and macro nutrients , pre and post workout supplements comes to existence as it helps you in full and fills you with energies very quick and gives you a great results, when you know the right quantity and time to consume.

6. Weight loss supplements like teas and shakes

We all know that half of the weight loss market consists of weight loss supplements like herbal teas, shakes and pills. Weight loss is pure nutritional and exercises thing.

There is no quick fix by popping those pills, eating unhealthy thinking that you will lose weight, and drinking those testy yummy shakes, teas and ditching a healthy whole meal of each day is absolutely wrong.

You might hit the goal at what cost of it just think over it. It’s not your gain, it’s all about big market makers’ gain.

7. Diet:

Diet is not always a great way to lose weight, a greatest myth I should it never lost long, and it keeps you hunger, and angry at same time as you must give up on your favorite foods, life is not all about sacrificing your favorite food. At least your best part of life is food that to your own favorite right.

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More than a diet you need to learn to do lifestyle modification as it leads to a lifelong benefit of being healthy and fit. diet is always a temporary solution to achieve wight loss goals.

Wrap up:

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What exactly you need to do for being fit and healthy

  • Physical activity
  • Healthy whole meal
  • Sleeping patterns
  • Discipline
  • Lifestyle change
  • An expertise guidance to achieve your level fitness



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