Exercise on an empty stomach leads to weight loss: fact or fiction?!

pc: popsugar

Exercise on an empty stomach leads to weight loss: fact or fiction?!

Exercise on an empty stomach and weight loss. There are many studies that say that working out on an empty stomach leads to fat loss and is more effective.

As excess body fat works as the fuel while burning those calories, as we all know weight loss happens when calories in less than calories out. Our body usually turns those foods we feed into it on regular times as fuel and the excess food is stored as fat in body as its no longer needed. This leads to weight gain.

pc: joinelitenation.com

So, when you workout on an empty stomach your body uses those extra fats as fuel and energy which is already stored.

Sometimes it’s difficult to work out when you’re in an empty stomach like lifting heavy weights, running swimming and badminton. May be because of a health reason like diabetic, thyroid, hypertension, low blood pressure makes sure that before doing any workouts you eat well.

Foods which you can eat before exercising,

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  • Fresh whole fruits and vegetables
  • Nuts, seeds, and sprouts which are rich in iron, vitamins, and minerals
  • Oats with fresh fruits and nuts
  • Black coffee
  • Pre workout supplements
  • Eggs
  • Hummus and pita bread / brown bread
  • Smoothies
  • Toast with peanut butter and banana

These are very simple and easy to make for prework out snacks which you can have before doing any exercise as it’s healthy and gives you energy to burn calories, without feeling tired and burning out at same time.

When to eat?!

If you choose to eat, eat 2 to 3hours before working out, eat easily digestible foods, avoid foods with more species and oily as it may drive you nuts with bad digestion issues along with burps with heart burn.

Post work out foods which you can eat

alt text" "Exercise on an empty stomach leads to weight loss: fact or fiction?!"
pc: all-bodybuilding.com
  • chicken breast
  • salmon fish
  • eggs
  • why protein
  • peanut butter with apple
  • smoothies
  • protein bars
  • Greek yogurt with berries and fresh fruits

Drink plenty of water before, during and after workout, as sweating leads to more fluid requirement in the body. As you can include fresh fruit juices, why protein and smoothies.

Once you are done with workout make sure you will eat a well-balanced food with fresh fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, carbs, protein rich foods, as carbs give you more energy to keep you active for whole day and protein helps in building and repairing muscles break down happened while you were lifting weight.

Wrap up:

alt text" "Exercise on an empty stomach leads to weight loss: fact or fiction?!"
pc: popsugar

Eating or not eating is up to you based on your health conditions, if you feel like eating and not beating yourself up for something, go ahead and eat well before 2 to 3hours. You can choose the food as listed above, which gives you energy and fills you up easily rich wholesome richness of iron, protein, minerals, and vitamins.

Foods are not bad, it’s how we choose and how much we choose to eat, that’s all matters. Choosing small portions of food is far better than stuffing yourself with huge meals with bigger calories intake.

Be choosy, wise and mindful when it comes to food and weight loss.


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