Emotional eating / binge eating disorder


Emotional eating or binge eating is one of the main causes of weight gain and Weight loss is a long-term process. Nothing happens overnight, more than that you need to alter or change your lifestyle which helps you achieve weight loss as well as it improves your over health benefits associated with it.

Before going to know how to overcome a sever binge eating disorder let’s know what exactly it is all about.

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It’s also called Bing eating, as it’s nothing but an eating disorder that means eating large amount of food at a very short time, mostly it happens due to negative emotions which someone might have experienced or had been into a trauma which makes the person depend mostly on foods which gives them a comfort feeling.

It’s one of the dangerous kinds of self-abuse one can do to themselves when they are not able to control their emotions.

Usually, people with eating disorders may overeat everything due to negative emotions which leads to food obsession. And eating very less cause of being conscious of their body image and fear of gaining weight. Either the way it’s harmful as we all know that no food is bad or good, it’s all about moderation.

It’s one of the major issues in this era as we all are going through stress, emotions and home cooked food is being neglected to a major level, it’s curable with proper guidance and medications.

Eating disorder/binge eating causes and Symptoms

1. Psychological:

pc: humanbehaviourwhatatrip.com

One of the major causes of overeating is that most of the time stress, anxiety and depression are the main factors as we all find comfort around food rather than being with others and getting social. And over exercising is also a factor as there is a famous quote that says, “Dose makes the poison”, as anything over doing leads to poison.

2. Behavioral 

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When someone is overly into calorie counting and restricted themself overweight loss process and have a huge expectation over self-body images and keep doing more fasts often to lose weight.

They usually lie saying they are not hungry and hide their food so they can eat it privately. This may lead to overeating or not eating at all more than they are so conscious that they constantly check up on their weight and go on self-obsessed over body images.

3. Social

When you meet any of your friends or relatives the first thing that comes out of mind and tongue is you have put on weight, or you look so lean and pale.


Our own family and friends point you out stating that looking fat or lean this might leads to building a person overeating or under eating habits due to someone pointed and stated that being lean is beautiful or having those extra fats are good as you look lean.

4. Physical

Eating less leads to many health issues as well as overeating too, if you are overeating might end up with high chances of high blood pressure, early stage of diabetics, high cholesterol levels and many other health issues.

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Eating less leads to rapid weight loss all sudden, as feeling cold all the time even in the hot and warm weather, feeling drained out and stressed no energy left in body and feels sleepy all the time.

5. Life events:

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One of the major causes phycological factors is that the major life event which gives rises to negative emotions like being bullied for the overweight or underweight, being physically abused, sexually abused, stressed and loss of loved one.

Symptoms of binge eating or eating disorder are like:


  • Binge eating happens mostly due to Diet when you have restricted yourself from eating food.
  • Eating large amount of food at short period of time
  • Low self-esteem, confidence, and shyness.
  • very much weight consciousness
  • Stress, anxiety, and depression leads to binge eating
  • Family history also plays major roles as parents or siblings are into binge eating.

How to overcome eating disorders.



Overeating and under eating can be changed with conscious efforts by changing the lifestyle building by making right choices of foods as diet always fades but lifestyle changes entire eating habits and helps in building healthy life not only for the person but for entire family also.

2.Get enough sleep:


Sleep deprivation and insomnia lead to binge eating disorders, as many studies show that sleeping less than 8 hours leads to an increase in hunger hormone called ghrelin and reduces the leptin hormones which promote fullness.

Sleeping less than 8 hours leads to weight gain and obesity also.

3. Hydrate


Drinking plenty of water reduces the eating disorders, curbs hunger, along with eating at the right time and right portions of food.

Drinking 3 to 4 liters of water each day is good for overall health. Just don’t overdo it as drinking more water may flush out all the essential minerals from the body by frequent trips to washroom.

4. Don’t skip meals:

Don’t skip meals, maybe it is breakfast or any meal of the day. Once you skip a meal you might end up overeating at the end of the day with no control over it.

Instead make proper meal plans like small meals 3 to 4times a day along with healthy snacks like whole fruits. So, you will not overeat.


Otherwise make plans like eating heavy for breakfast, less at noon and less at dinner as your body doesn’t need more food when you’re inactive and in the sleeping zone.

Plan according to your body needs. So, you can control your eating disorder.

1.Whole fruits and vegetables:

Whole fruits and vegetables are best and make you feel full and filled with more micro and macro nutrients along with iron and vitamins and minerals compared to process and package foods.

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Processed foods have no nutrient, that not even makes you feel full, its all filled with much more chemicals and oily, it even helps in gaining weight and brings many health issues

Shift the focus to whole fruits and vegetables.

2. Increase protein intake:


When you increase your protein intake you tend to feel full for a longer period. Protein not only keeps you full but also helps in building muscles at the same time. Helps you lose weight as well.

3.Build Journal habit:

The habit of writing down a journal helps in many ways as you can record your moods, emotions and thoughts which makes you binge eating. Where you can notice yourself and work on yourself over the emotion.


It’s always you v/s you, many may guide you but it’s you who needs to go through the process, self-assessment is may helps in both mental and emotional way.

4.Physical activity:

Physical activities like running, walking, swimming, yoga, lifting weights, and biking, any kind of sports activities tend to bring down the stress level and lead to happy hormones called endorphins which reduce eating disorders.


Adding a regular sport activities or exercises to your daily routine brings many more changes in life along with your eating habits being more positive and active.

5. Avoid fasting: 

pc: walkingoffpounds.com

Eating disorders are most likely to happen when you constantly put your body in a fasting mode. As you restrict yourself from eating. your body and mind crave for it constantly in the wrong way. Once you learn to understand the body’s needs and how the mind works it’s easy for you to control your eating disorders.

6. Seek help:

Seeking help is also a good way, that you start talking about it openly with your family or with your friends so they might help in the right way by understanding the thing that you’re going through it.


If you can get proper help from a highly experienced dietitian, nutritionist which even a great help that you going to do for self for better version of yourself.

you can seek a medical help with proper medications and counseling,

There are many therapies usually given to the person who is going through an eating disorder or binge eating.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is one the most effective forms of treatment where you can understand the connections between your emotions, thoughts and feelings, food, and eating patterns. They will make a proper plan and modify the eating pattern.

Wrap up:

emotional eating

eating disorder/binge eating is highly risky when it comes to health, it increases the chances of high cholesterol level, blood pressure, obesity, and diabetic health issues.

Eating the right portions at the right time and right way is all we need to learn in this fast-food world as we all depend mostly on fast foods and junk foods which have zero nutritional values.

binge eating/ eating disorder happens mostly in women than in men.

Try to cook your own food which makes you busy and its hygiene also. Keep moving your body through out a day rather than working out for a few minutes.

Drink water and keep your kitchen junk free.


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