Do you really need to detox your body for weight loss?!!


Do you really need to detox your body for weight loss?!!

As soon as you come back from vacation or done with festive seasons sweets and savory, oily fried food, alcohol, indulging you think that detoxification going to help you to get back to the weight loss and make you look clean and cleansed, let me tell you it’s absolutely wrong.


These misconceptions which is created among the society is by the huge money-making marketing strategy which uses your emotions and fear of being fat which is often judged by the society fat shaming may lead you to the products, pills and packaged smoothy and juicing industries, as its leads to weight loss.

Let’s me burst those myths, as the right knowledge is the key

1. Detox is done outside the body:

Detox is done regularly by your own blessed body with all the help of organs present in the body. You don’t need any magic juice smoothies to do it.

Humans are blessed with full fledged highly working organs which detox all the toxins you put inside your body whether knowingly or unknowingly.

Our liver, kidneys, and colons do it free of cost on a daily basis.

2. Detox leads to Weight loss:

Detox helps in weight loss is a completely a myth, as you start taking those green juices and smoothies, and joined rehab for detoxification process it all happens because you are under the caloric deficit and dodged all packaged junks, oily, sweets loaded with sugars, pastries, and baked white refined foods and snacks.

When you put all effort in for a few days, maybe weeks or a month, obviously your body shows a drastic change in body weight. As studies show the faster you lose the weight faster you might gain all back again.

3. Green Juices and smoothies help you to detox your body:

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Green juices and smoothies never help you in detox process its myth that you must accept and overcome. As most of the health coaches and fitness trainers, well known famous expert nutritionists claims it, it’s not going to help you in detox nor it going to help you in the weight loss process as it may give you temporary results in weight loss but its not a permanent one.

4. Detox cleanses your body and skin:

Detox will not cleanse your body and skin; it’s all done internally inside of our body with the help of our own 24/7 working organs which does it for us with no extra costs.

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Only the skin and hair needed to be cleansed and cleaned from outside to keep you looking good and clean.

5. Hours of fasting leads to detoxification:

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Hours of fasting, controlling you hunger, or you are starving yourself in the name of detoxing is not going to help you either, as many studies claim that doing fasting helps in detoxing, we all have been blessed with liver, kidneys and everything which detox bad and unwanted waste from our body naturally.

Fasting is like giving the body rest from eating and letting it use the stored fat as fuel and energy.


How to overcome it, what you can do instead of putting your focus on detoxing process.

1. Set realistic goals:

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When you have indulged yourself in a social gathering or parties, having a festival feast and eating everything you wanted, tempted to eat, it’s ok, go ahead and eat it.

Eating what you wanted on special occasions doesn’t make you less human and cause you to gain weight more.

Be realistic about your weight loss process, detoxing is not a solution for weight loss be realistic rest small goals and starts working on it.

Detox may fix the weight loss process very quickly, but it won’t last long.

2. Avoid junks and packaged foods:

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Avoid junk foods and packaged foods as these things are filled with chemicals, unhealthy, oily, and loaded with sugar which make you addicted unknowingly. Your brain and test buds get tempted and make you feel like eating more and more.

If you want to keep your body healthy avoid packaged junk and sugary foods. That’s how you may help your organs to detox naturally without putting pressure on it.

3. Home cooked food:

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Eat healthy clean home cooked foods which are less oily, sugary, tasty, and clean and healthy as well, far from all chemicals and expiry dates.

When you start cooking you will enjoy the process as well you know what’s the ingredients are and how healthy, tasty the food with minimum efforts and budget friendly.

Eat it at the right time daily, fluctuating with eating time may confuse your body and lead to acidic reactions.

4. Drink plenty of water:


Water is something that keeps you hydrated and keeps your organs in good condition. Drink at least a minimum of 3 to 4 liters daily without fail, which easily clears most of the health issues easily.

Your organs thank you for it.

4. Being physically active:

Being physically active helps your body move, as humans are not meant to sit in one place. At least you can take a 30minuts of walk daily for your heart’s health.

which not only helps in cardiovascular way but also boosts your dopamine and improves your mood.

5. Sleep:


Sleep is everything when it comes to physical and mental health. Your guts and mind both thank you when you regularize your sleeping pattern and take 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night.

Night sleep is essential as our body cells regenerate, repair, and nurture the whole body.

Do not stuff yourself with a huge meal before bed, as your body will be putting a huge effort to digest the food which you ate instead of working on your reparsing and regenerated cells.



Wrap up:


You don’t need to detox with unwanted, tasteless detox juices and smoothies. Simple healthy lifestyle, home cooked healthy food, whole fruits and vegetables, good sleep and physical activity which makes a huge difference.

Detox is done by our own organs daily which flushes out all waste from our body naturally.

You don’t need to buy a pill, book for detoxification therapy, food, juices, or teas. Eat local fresh fruits and vegetables seasonal based which not only helps the farmers but also good for guts health as season changes your body also crave for little change in food varieties as well.


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