Diet or lifestyle modification: you decide!

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Diet or lifestyle modification: you decide!

When it comes to a heathy life one should know how exactly diet and life modification play a major role.

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You might eat healthy over a period to lose weight and be fit, once you reach your goal weight and you stopped everything what you were doing to do to reach the goal all again you will gain back the weight as we all know diet fades but lifestyle it’s what you all wanted to-do to be healthy.

Let’s know how exactly diet and lifestyle modifications affect your health, body, and mind.


In this current situation of lifestyle where junks and ready to eat food are cheaper than whole fruits, vegetable, and home cooked food, we all knowingly or unknowingly follow diet, which is nothing but a quick fix to health but it wont last for long period of time.

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Diet is temporary

Diet is always a temporary goal achiever, there is an end to the diet period once you reach your dream goal weight or level of your fitness or call it dream body. Then what next, think !!!! you again start eating normally as you will be restricting yourself from eating all your favorite foods in the name of diet.

Caloric deficit

When it comes to weight loss, we all must us know how the caloric deficit works efficiently, which you restrict yourself to certain amounts of caloric food you need to intake to lose certain amount of weight, here am not telling its completely wrong, it all make you think and lose yourself and blame yourself for eating what you love or call it your favorite food item because its caloric dense.

Most of the time you will be overly conscious about the food you eat rather the enjoying whole some food with family and friends.

What kind diet


Do you know when you call it diet what and all kinds of diets just flashes through our mind, let me say

  • Keto – no carbs/ carbs are bad
  • Paleo- no grains/ grains are bad
  • Carnivore- plants-based food are bad
  • Millennial – gluten is bad
  • Vegan- animal-based food is bad

You might have heard that some of your friends are following a keto, paleo, vegan and you get confused about what to do, and how to-do. You put a lot of effort into gaining some knowledge about all these different kinds of diets, and you put a lot of effort into following it as well, and lose some of the weight, also. but is it going to sustain for a long period? will you be able to sacrifice your favorite foods for your entire life span!!!???

Watching your scale every time

When I say diet most of the time you will be watching your scale every day, every week, every makes you think like I have done everything to lose these much weight in this many days, but the scale hasn’t even moved few pounds/kilos. All the sacrifices went with no results.

The whole mindset starts triggering you, should I continue doing same or should I change my diet pattern/kind, from tomorrow I start new diet plan that might help.

Lifestyle modifications

Life is all about having balance. Your habits turn into discipline.

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Rather than falling for the fade and temporary diets, gain knowledge about building habits, discipline, and lifestyle.


Building a Lifestyle is not easy in the beginning, you need to be patient and disciplined at a same time. For Weight loss you do not need to be motivated rather you need to be in the discipline. maintaining the same level of energy, repeating the same thing daily.

You might find it a bit hard but trust me, it’s the best thing that you could do for yourself for a better version of your future self.


Your habit defines your life, so be careful while setting up new habits. As we know, diet will not help you build habits, it’s way more than the short cut to achieve the temporary goals once you reach the goals you stop doing what you were you doing to reach the weight loss goal.

Long term benefits

Lifestyle modifications give you a long-term benefit, may it be for your weight loss or for your health issues. You can’t expect it from diet plans as it temporarily finds cures to your problems like your diabetic, cholesterol level or your obesity.

When you change your lifestyle, you never have to look back.


Lifestyle provides whole some of idea about the foods, nutrition, and moderation. It’s not about for a few months or for certain goal achievement but for healthy body and mind as well.

Pocket friendly

Building lifestyle will not cost you more as you will be equipped with more knowledge and healthy wholesome foods which is locally available rather than falling for the huge marketing strategy of big food industry.


healthy lifestyle

Lifestyle changes bring many more changes in your physic as well as your mind set. The way you think about foods, nutrition, and sustainability.

Taking a small step in the right direction is all that matters rather than tripping and falling and again struggling to sacrifice all your favorite foods for temporary goals.

Let’s join hand together to build a great lifestyle for healthy family and healthy society.



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