child obesity ! a growing concern for parents.

"obesity" child



Child Obesity is the most common problem now a days as food and lifestyles are way more a concerning part of day-to-day life.

Obesity is not only common in adults but also in children, as covid leads to many changes in the child’s health as they stop going out to play and stick to laptops, mobiles, tablets, and indoor games.

"child obesity"

Obesity in children could lead to a slew of health issues, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart ailments, and even certain types of cancer. It can also lead to psychological problems like low self-esteem and depression.

Causes of obesity.

"child obesity"

1. Genetics/ Hereditary :No, we’re not just blaming it all on Big Macs & lack of physical education classes! There’s more to this obesity enigma. Genetics and environment are like those silent partners in a business. They might not be the face of the franchise, but they play a significant role. Some children are genetically predisposed to obesity, and it doesn’t help when the environment around them, like advertising or lack of safe spaces for physical activities, doesn’t support a healthy lifestyle.

2. Lack of physical activity: Not to sound like coach grumpy pants, but these new-age entertainment forms – video games, social media, streaming platforms – they’re benching our kids. It’s like the ‘Great Indoors’ has subbed in for the ‘Great Outdoors’. Kids are less likely to ride bikes or play tag and more likely to be glued to a screen. Physical activity has become the benchwarmer in their daily routine playbook.

3.Unhealthy food habits: Seriously, our eating habits have undergone a massive transformation. Our penchant for fizzy drinks, fast food, and sweet treats, coupled with huge portion sizes, are akin to inviting obesity over for a sleepover. It’s a junk food party and everyone’s invited, but we really don’t want to be attending.

4. Environmental factors: like the surroundings where a child lives be it school, neighbors and home which influence the child’s eating habits and mental and physical health well.

Health issues associated with the child obesity are:

"child obesity"

  1. Diabetics: This Is a major and very much concerned part of child obesity as there are much higher chances of child to get exposed to the early stage of the diabetics and suffer from childhood itself undergoing huge lifestyle, it not only causes mental stress to child but also to parents.
  2. Cardiovascular diseases: As obesity leads to cardiovascular disease be it adult or child, there is always a risk associated with it always. Excess fat in and around the heart is a big risk for heart health.
  3. Mental health issues: A child faces bullying at various places be it while playing or school, at this stage child needs to have the positive mindset which further leads to a healthy child both physical and mental as well. Obesity makes children mentally weak and low self esteem and less confident in their own skin.
  4. Insecurity: Insecurity when it comes to obesity or overweight is huge, it makes a child to lose confidence, though people say, it won’t matter, still small kid they it’s the age to eat and but to be frank ,it does matter a lot having right weight at right age makes huge difference in the mindset of child it build good self esteem.

Prevention measures one can take.


1.Physical activities: children are in such an age that you can mold them easy with right tools, putting them into certain physical activities lead to healthy body as well as healthy have and healthy body one must move all over the day.

2.Healthy balanced diet: healthy balanced meals are very important when it comes to health not only for the obese child but for all of us. A healthy diet must include protein, carbs and fats, and fresh fruits and vegetables at the right amount in each meal of the day.

3.Limiting screen time: one of the major reasons for obesity is the child’s screen time due to the corona in 2020 made the child to fully depend on the indoor games and addicted to the gadgets fully. To have a healthy body and mind one must move, humans are made to move and to sit in one place.

4. Mental support/ phycological support: when it comes to weight loss of an obese child or adult everyone needs mental support be it from home or neighbor’s or relative’s or from school.

Having the right kind of support for the obese children makes them confident about how their body looks. Even you can take support from counseling centers for excellent mind set and confidence building in a child.


"child obesity"

Child obesity is a growing epidemic with multiple causes – unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, and various genetic and environmental factors. This leads to many physical, emotional, and social consequences. But we’re not throwing in the towel just yet. There are strategies in place, from nutritional education, promoting physical activities, to family interventions, school programs, government policies, and community efforts.

Child obesity can be tackled with the right amount of support, lifestyle building and guidance by the right nutritionist or dietician or pediatrician.

This gadget addiction not only causes obesity but also myopia in kids, out of 10 kids nearly 6 to 7 kids will be affected by the myopia.

Imagine a world where kids are happier, healthier, active, and free from the burdens of obesity. Let’s work together for the better version of our healthy and fitter children making their life better with better choices and guidance and knowledge.



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