10 High protein food for easy and effective weight loss and muscle building.


10 High protein food for easy and effective weight loss and muscle building.

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Protein plays major role when it comes to building muscles while losing weight. All we need is little awareness about quantity how much you need to eat in a day and what a vegetarian and non-vegetarian can eat. what an overeating of protein leads to, before going to that lets know what are the best and high protein rich foods that you can include in your daily diet.


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Eggs are rich in protein with many vitamins and minerals in it.it not only helps in weight loss but also with hair as well as for nails growth too.

The above picture of nutritional value of the eggs gives you whole bunch of idea which I was trying to explain.

Always eat whole eggs rather than throwing away the egg yolks. Eggs yolks are richer with nutrients and minerals.

2. chicken

When it come the weight loss and muscle building chicken has huge role for non-vegetarian people. Be it for taste or filling we all love it.one of the great sources of protein and economical as well.

While choosing chicken just choose the breast pieces of chicken which is a pure protein with less fat. 100grms of chicken breast will provide you about 31grams of protein.

Chicken breast piece provide micro and macro nutrients at same time which is a plus point as you don’t need to search for micro and macro in different foods list. Chicken is not only rich with proteins but also with micronutrients like niacin(B3), vitamin B6, phosphorus and selenium also.

Niacin is also called as nicotinic acid is an organic compound made and a form of vitamin B3, an essential nutrient for human. A cooked 172 grams of chicken breast provide for about 148% of daily requirement of niacin.as it is one of the important sources of vitamin which convert the food into energy and helps in maintaining the healthy cells in the human body.

100grams of chicken breast contains for about 121 mg of phosphorus. Selenium in 85 grams of chicken breast is about 22 to 25mcg.

3. salmon

When it comes weight loss and muscle building salmon plays a major role, as Salmon is a very good source of omega3 fatty acids which is great for heart health and brain functions along with many other health benefits like increased metabolism, stable mood, and arthritis.

Above nutrition chart will show you much more details. It has immense benefits to beautiful skin and hair as well. omega3 in salmon leads to a healthy heart and reduces the cholesterol level and helps in maintaining triglycerides and reduces the sudden or irregular heartbeats.

Omega 3 or fish oil present in the salmon helps in production of serotine in the brain which leads to a happy mood, reduces the stress level, and improves the memory.

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Vitamin B12 present in salmon also improves the brain cells, blood cells, and nervous systems.

Iron content present in the salmon leads to an energy production and it is regularizing the oxygen in the blood cells while potassium present in the salmon leads to the regular heart beats, and cell growth in the body which leads to a collagen production as a result great skin and hair cells growth.

Vitamin D present in salmon helps in keeping bones, teeth, and muscles healthy.

4.Dairy Products

Dairy products are huge and easily affordable sources of protein.

A group of dairy products

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As dairy products are huge and easily available locally rather than going empty packet with trendy and falling to the marketing strategy of costly non-dairy industries you can easily manage your protein intakes easily with local dairy products.

Dairy products like milk and its products like curds, buttermilk, butter, cottage cheese, cheese, ghee.

Milk: Milk is something you can include in your diet easily as it’s available in each household easily. A glass of milk contains

Milk is a good source of protein as you see that one glass of milk contains about 9.7grms of protein. Other than protein, milk contains vitamins like calcium, vitamin-B12, vitamin B5, iodine, phosphorus. Which helps in maintaining bones, teeth’s health, glowing skin, and hair.

Curd: curd is a great probiotic food that one should include in diet not only for weight loss but for good guts health, glowing skin, hair care, healthy heart, good for bones health and helps in keeping vaginal health.

A one cup of Curd offers calcium(420mg), phosphorus(260mg), vitamin b2, riboflavin(.2mg), magnesium(38mg), cholesterol(32mg), vitamin A(320mcg), vitamin b1 thiamine(0.08mg), folic acid(11.2mcg), potassium(180mg), sodium(38mg), iron(0.4mg), vitamin b3 niacin(0.2mg).

100 grams of curd contains 11 grams of protein.

Cottage cheese: cottage cheese is a great source of protein with low cholesterol and gluten free.

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Cottage cheese is good for digestion, helps in strengthening the bones health, reduces the risk of breast cancer, eases the muscles cramps, reduces the stress and anxiety, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, boost the immunity system in the body and rich in antioxidant property.

Cheese: cheese is a great source of protein with no carbs in it, as it’s a helps in building muscles .



When it comes to protein and weight loss tofu is a must to add to the list. It’s a great source of plant-based protein as it’s filled with high protein, less carbs, fat, and fiber.

Tofu (1/2 cup) contains 7grms of protein,63 calories,1.8grms of carbs,3.3 fat and 0 .5grms fiber.

Tofu is filled with thiamine, vitamin-A, vitamin-b6, and folate vitamins and minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, and selenium.

Tofu has health benefits like strengthening bones, reduces the risk of anemia, improves metabolic rate when it comes to weight loss one should increase the metabolic rate to lose the weight or fat, which tofu helps easily. Along with this tofu has iron and protein which helps in building muscles, great for hair, nails, and skin as well as.

Tofu is also helps in reduction of gout, helps to prevent cancer specially in the menopause women’s, helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol level.

6. Nut butter:

Nut butter is the healthiest option when it comes to protein intake, as nut butter is full of healthy monosaturated fats which is great for heart’s health as its low in bad cholesterol.

Nut butter is rich in protein fiber, phosphorus, vitamin-B, vitamin-E and zinc, as it’s easy to make at home with simple ingredients.

When it comes to nuts butter you can find many varieties as you see in the above picture, each one has its own nutritional values and benefits.

You can easily replace your calorie dense mayonnaise, sugar loaded jams with an healthy rich nut butter.

7. Beans

Beans are super healthy and affordable as well, call it pocket friendly, which you can find in each kitchen easily, as it’s highly rich with protein and other vitamins and minerals. Like

Vitamin- B9, B1, B2, B3, B6, B5 and Vitamin-K, minerals like copper, manganese, iron, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, selenium.

Protein per 100 grams of beans is 8.67gm.

As beans are good for heart health, reduces the cholesterol level, improves immunity, prevents cancer, improves bones health, relief the constipation problem, good for eyes, reduces the risk of diabetics, and along with all the benefits it helps in weight loss and muscle building as well.

8. Quinoa

"protein foods" pc: simply quinoa

Quinoa is considered a super food as it’s rich in fiber, protein, and less carbs in it. which is low in cholesterol level and gluten free and rich in vitamin E, A and Vitamin C.

9. Soya chunks

Soya chunks are highly rich in protein as 50grms of soya chunks gives about 25g of protein ,12g of carbs and zero fats. Which is great for muscle building and for weight loss.

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pc: medically info.com

Soya chunks are great for bones health, improve digestion, good for heart health, balance hormones, and help in relief of menopausal syndrome, improve metabolic activity, reduces the risk of diabetes and cancer.


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Lentils are high in protein and fiber and less in carbs as they help in building muscles and help in weight loss and keep you full for a long period of time.


alt text" 10 High protein food for easy and effective weight loss and muscle building."

Eating the right quantity and at the right time it all matters when it comes to weight loss and muscles building. Drink a lot of water to clear skin and hair. Protein rich food keeps you full for a long period of time and reduces your sugar cravings as well. Avoid sugar loaded foods and junk as much as possible.


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